Zach Lyon Creative

Tahoe Parks

The Tahoe Parks app from Sierra State Parks Foundation features a field guide, trails, parks and tours for your visit to Lake Tahoe.

Joinify provides real-time content management tuned for travel and tourist destination markets, visitor and convention bureaus, neighborhoods, events and festivals.


The team was the executive director of Sierra State Parks, a freelance marketing director, one backend developer and me.


I was referred to the executive director by the team from Citizen Science Tahoe. Sierra State Parks Foundation was seeking a mobile app to help visitors find the parks and trails, and promote tours at some of the historic monuments. We also integrated a field guide to help visitors identify some of Tahoe’s flora and fauna.


Tahoe Parks was another clone of my semi-SaaS product Joinify, similar to Visit Virginia City, it offered a custom content management system allowing the team to edit the parks, trails, field guide, and tours.


For the field guide, we needed to add another level in the data models for categorization. The team also wanted to accept donations through the app, but this presented some issues with the App Store’s in-app purchases, so we just decided to link to their website.


The app had a good run for nearly two years but shortly after we redesigned it as a PWA for 2019, the app was discontinued due to lack of funding, partly due to the COVID pandemic.

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